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Climber Qlik BI Trends 2021




The Great Digital Switch


Get ready for what’s coming next (2022) Qlik Business Intelligence. By gaining flexibility, agility and awareness, your business can better respond to a more disruptive world. Using data and analytics to uncover more of the unseen ― lets you act early enough to make an impact.

Ultimately, if you put the right processes into place, you can learn to thrive when others can’t. Join us for BI & Data Trends 2021: The Great Digital Switch, we’ll cover the top 10 trends, including:

  • The new surge in SaaS adoption
  • The move from self-service to self-sufficiency
  • The mass consumption of data stories

Discover what’s next ― so you can plan ahead.



Senior Director, Market Intelligence Lead at Qlik

Dan is a Senior Director and global lead for Qlik’s Market Intelligence Program, responsible for the supply, demand, macro, and micro picture. With two decades of experience in the IT industry, Dan is a frequent keynote speaker, blogger, and columnist. Dan has previously held the positions of Research Director, Agenda Manager, and Global Lead for BI and Analytics Markets at IT research and advisory company Gartner. During the 10 years he spent as an analyst at Gartner, he specialized in markets, trends, competitive landscape evaluations, and go-to-market strategies.

Questions? Contact us!

Erica Lenksjö

+46 72 352 35 09

Samantha Hartley

Marketing & Content Manager
+46 70 746 75 34

Publicerat 2020-11-12


Qlik Partner Advisory Council 2025

Qlik Partner Advisory Council 2025

Qlik has announced their Partner Advisory Council members of 2025! We’re super proud to have our Group CEO Eva Chrona among them, and to have the opportunity to help define the future of data integration and analytics.

>> Read more here!
Webinar: Lyft FP&A inom fastighetsbranschen till nästa nivå

Webinar: Lyft FP&A inom fastighetsbranschen till nästa nivå

Att hantera hyresintäkter, driftskostnader och långsiktiga investeringar kräver en smart och datadriven FP&A-process. Med rätt struktur och verktyg kan du fatta bättre finansiella beslut, stärka lönsamheten och spara tid på manuellt arbete.

>> Jag vill veta mer!
Webinar: Effektivisera FP&A-processen inom Retail & E-handel

Webinar: Effektivisera FP&A-processen inom Retail & E-handel

Snabba förändringar och pressade marginaler kräver en flexibel, datadriven FP&A-process. I det här webinariet lyfter vi vanliga utmaningar inom retail och E-com, och visar lösningar för bättre prognoser och effektivare processer.

>> Jag vill veta mer!