The future pitch from Qlik World 2020 Partner Summit
In these uncertain times, speeding up the decision-making process is crucial. During Qlik Virtual Partner Summit they used this momentum to highlight importance of accelerating the time from data to actionable insights.
>> Get our three main takeaways!Maximise BI value and increase data literacy with the Qlik Usage Monitoring Application
Only 51 % use their Qlik solution on a daily basis, even though 63 % believe that it’s a business critical solution. Providing data is obviously not enough to get your employees on board, and no guarantee that people will actually use BI. So, how do you increase employee engagement?
>> Data literacy is keyDatadrivet beslutsfattande ska ta Linköpings kommun in i framtiden
Linköpings kommun har startat sin resa mot att bli en mer datadriven organisation, för att kunna planera och följa upp kring budget och få en bättre överblick av organisationens nyckeltal. Praktiskt handlar det om att med vår hjälp ta fram lösningar för analys och rapportering och utbilda kommunens anställda i Qlik Sense.
>> Läs mer om projektet härData visualization: choose the right visualization with the help of Qlik
Companies collect a lot of data. Just think of all the information you gather through your website, customer data, geo data, sales data, and so on. In this world of ”data madness” we all want to gain important insights in no time. More and more companies are therefore using data visualization in business intelligence tools such as Qlik.
>> How do you choose the optimal visualization to answer your question?Missing data? Survive Survivorship Bias with Qlik
How come some airplanes don’t return from the battlefield? Are the success stories of Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos and Mark Zuckerberg the best learning experiences? And how could people in 1987 think that cats were more likely to survive if they fell from a higher floor? All these questions have one factor in common: they suffer from ”survivorship bias”.
>> What is Survivorship Bias?Is “good enough” enough for Gartner?
»As usual Microsoft and Tableau are in the top and the biggest change is rather that there are several products tightening up towards the leader’s quadrant with ThoughtSpot and Qlik at head and just on the right side« Olof Malmström shares his view on this year’s Magic Quadrant.
>> READ MORETop BI Trends of 2019
Is AI going to rule the world? Is it all moving to the cloud? Didn’t get a chance to watch Qlik’s BI Trends of 2019, read our highlights here and find out what we think the trends of 2019 will be.
>> Read moreWhat you missed at Qonnections 2018
Qonnections 2018 wrapped up some weeks ago – so what were the key take-aways? Qlik’s new management, and how it will change the roadmap, the development of the Augmented Intelligence that we got a sneak peek of last year, and last but not least, was my favorite subject: Data Literacy.
>> So what were the key take-aways?How to optimise your BI in 2018
2018 is off to a galloping start and trend predictions have been coming in fast. There is no lack of inspiration, but what is actually important to you in your daily work? We asked our Managers across Europe what they think that you, from a business perspective, should focus on to optimise your Business Intelligence.
>> Learn about the most important BI trends4 tips för att undvika en seg BI-plattform
Om Qlik går segt eller hänger sig är det oftast en konsekvens av otillräcklig prestanda. Här ger Ronny Stillman från Climber Expert Services fyra knep för hur ni optimerar prestandan och undviker en seg Qlik-miljö.
>> Ta del av Ronnys tips till bättre prestanda!BARC BI Survey 17 – The choice is Qlik
The BARC BI Survey gives you a good picture of what the users consider to be important in a BI product. In the 2017 edition, Qlik is top ranked in Customer Satisfaction, based on the feedback from over 3000 respondents.
>> Learn more and download the report3 tips för att lyckas med self-service i Qlik Sense
Struktur, tydliga roller och att dokumentera era applikationer är förutsättningar för att medarbetarna smidigt ska kunna skapa sina egna analyser. Här hittar du fler tips som hjälper er lyckas med self-service BI.
How everyone becomes an analyst – Reflections from Gartner Data and Analytics Summit 2017
Data Driven is the No. 1 buzzword, you must hire a CDO and apparently, a little governance chaos is a good thing. Olof Malmström shares his takeaways from the Gartner Data & Analytics Summit in London.
Smart Data Discovery – A game changer for the Gartner Magic Quadrant
The new Gartner Magic Quadrant is here. While Qlik stays in the same position, Microsoft and Tableau have moved up. Olof Malmström went to the Gartner Summit & Analytics to reveal the secrets behind the changes.
Hur blir BI-året 2017? En trendspaning!
Modern BI, self-service, data literacy och molnet molnet molnet. I Olof Malmströms trendspaning reflekterar han över BI-året 2016 och blickar fram emot 2017.